Allotment Transformations #1


Transformation of the mini plots at Holcroft Road

Back in spring of 2019, the club made a decision to split a large, recently vacated plot to create four mini plots. 

At just 4m x 7m they are a fab size for new starters or downsizers, or those with limited time. 'Orchard Row' was created!

A lot of work had to be done as the team found buried hose pipes, carpet, and all sorts of rubbish under the grass. The plots were pegged out with canes then covered with weed membrane ready for new tenants.

The four plots were let over the next year and now are fully occupied. It’s been amazing to see such a transformation - there’s nothing better than seeing a blank canvas turned into a piece of art! Each plot has its own personality and will produce lots of vegetables, fruit and flowers for their owners.

Plot HN12

PLot HN12A

Plot HN12B

Plot HN12c

Communal Area

The communal area we started to create at the rear of the plot wasn’t looked after before the mini plots were rented.  The dwarf fruit trees were pruned, old weed membrane lifted, soil raked ready for grass seed to be sown. Flowers planted near the entrance to the potting shed can now be enjoyed by the new plot holders, while the grape vine has come to life and will produce lots of fruit this summer!


If you have any photos of your own allotment transformation or anything you’ve been up to, please email

We would love to show them in our next blog post!