Youtube gardening channels to follow


Not everyone joining the club is an experienced gardener. Anyone can have an allotment and learn about growing vegetables, flowers or fruit. At first, it may be daunting, but if you are a beginner, other club members and the Internet are your best friends! Here we’ll walk you through a few sources of great information about how to grow your own.

Youtube Vloggers

  1. Lavender and Leeks is a channel run by Katie (28) where she puts videos of her showing around her allotment, working on DIY projects, giving advice on many gardening related topics.

  2. Charles Dowding is famous for his no-dig gardening style. In short videos, he teaches about the soil and organic methods of growing all year round.

  3. Digging for dinner has videos and tutorials for those who start from scratch. Lots of DIY, pallet projects, etc. Also, the gardener who runs it suffers from mental health issues, so it gives a great insight into the ways gardening helps.

  4. UK Here We Grow has plenty of advice regarding all aspects of having a garden - from building a shed to composting.

  5. Huw Richards focuses on educating young gardeners about sustainability, utilising the space and doing as little work as possible!

  6. Lovely Greens is run by Tanya from the Isle of Man, and she features tours of her allotment, shows tutorials and gives advice.

  7. Homegrown Garden is full of video diaries, garden tours, tips and advice given by Katrina from Nottingham. She cares about wildlife and organic gardening.

These are just a few UK based gardeners who post videos online. There’s plenty to choose and learn from, give it a go!